Maybe they dye the river green in Chicago for Saint Patrick's Day, but here it is the river of people that's green.
With every sidewalk filled and every rooftop lined, the parade commences sometime around 1:00pm near Broadway station. Every liquor store has a line, and most everyone w

There was music.

There was dancing.
God help me, there were even storm troopers wearing green sashes. Hey, I'll see you guys next weekend at Anime Boston!

This event was unlike anything I have ever experienced. After the parade is over, people pour into the streets and have a giant festival, ebbing and flowing in and out of house parties, bars, and Dorchester Street revelry.
As for Siobhan and myself, we slipped around the corner by the old Iron Workers Local 7 and stopped in at Kiley's Tavern for a nip. If you're drunk and disorderly, or just a straight-up douche, the doorman will be happy to give you direction to Shenanigans. It's about four blocks that way and then take a right... next to the Burger King....
I see you got directions... Were you drunk, disordely, a straight up douche, or all of the above!!??
Oh no, WE got in; I just heard the man give directions about a dozen times.
did you see whitey bulger?
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