Two people, one life, and a lot of beer. Together in Boston.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Harpoon st patricks season kickoff
It has come to this blogs attention that st patricks day is more of a season here in boston. Harpoon brewery kicks it off with their annual tour and parking lot brewfest. We kick it off ourselves with el dub double fisting at the brewery.
Fantastic my friend!
Who needs to double fist when you have a growler? (was that dirty?)
Be careful friends. I cringe when St. Patrick's Day falls on a weekend and provides multiple drinking days. A whole St. Patrick's Season? Wowsers.
Shouldn't that sign say "Caution: Pickling in Progress?"
Did I mention that this ended with me getting a little drunk and singing "Skid Row" on karaoke?
No BKDM...but we all assumed. We all assumed.
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