The St. Patrick's Day season is upon us, and if you like your social calendar heaving like a bountiful bosom, then be sure to check out the following line-up:
Sat Mar 8 - Harpoon St. Patricks Day Festival (too late, it is already over with)
Fri Mar 14 - Dropkick Murphys concert at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers in Dorchester (Now this is gonna be a wicked pissah...Siobhan's note: It's Wicked Pissah as an adjective; lose the "a.")
Sun Mar 16 - Southie St. Patrick's Day parade (This parade remains the high point of the St. Patrick's day season, with people coming from all over the world to attend. Event transpires in South Boston - Boston's oldest traditional Irish neighborhood)
Mon Mar 17 - Saint Patty's Day (I've already scheduled this day off work) Siobhan's note #2: I have a four-hour coaching and managing training that day. Great.
Sat Mar 22 - Comedy stylings of Ken & Nate, at the Cambridge YMCA Theater (Two One-Man Shows by Two Guys Wasting One Life Each). Siobhan's note #3: I work with Ken and he is one funny bastard. Anyone reading this who lives in Boston, go to the show!
Fri-Sun, Mar 21-23 - Anime Boston (If you've never been to or heard of an anime con, be assured this is a painful new low for this massochistic Bostonian. Complete with a masquerade ball where people dress up as their favorite anime character, to a live anime-only karaoke bar it is extreme dorkitude of the highest order. It may not be very Irish, but it is definitely worth blogging about. Hynes convention center, $30 at the door). Siobhan's note #4: There isn't a chance is hell that you will catch me with this bunch of dorks.

Also, I am sure we will find time to cross the Medford-Somerville city line (why the Medford sign gotta be all brown and broken? see photo) to grab brunch at Sound Bites, or another fine nearby brunch spot.
Oh ya, Easter and our jobs are in there somewhere...
Anime Boston? Absolutely not.
Soooo, happy that I'm not in Boston right now.
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