Amidst the array of taps sporting various manners of delicious beer, an ugly "B" - for Brooklyn Lager - jutted forward like so many sneering New Yorkers.
That's right, Harpoon made a bet on the super bowl with the Brooklyn Brewery. The stakes: If New England won, the Brooklyn Brewery would have to serve a keg of Harpoon IPA on tap, but if the Giants won, Harpoon would serve a keg of Brooklyn Lager.
There is no need to revisit the painful outcome, but I can take some small solace in the fact that someone in my beloved hometown state of Colorado is drinking delicious Harpoon beer at an (as yet) unnamed brewery in a similar bet involving the Red Sox. (Siobhan's note: pitchers and catchers report on Thursday!)
I consider this a bet made by Harpoon on behalf of all their loyal beer drinkers, and, like Harpoon, I honor my bets. That's why, this week, I drank a Brooklyn Lager. Which, by the way, I would have to say, all in all, is not bad.
Harpoon? Brooklyn?
I don't remember the Whalers losing to the Dodgers?
Who are you trying to fool? You just drank it to run the keg dry so you can have an undefiled bar. That's what I would have done.
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