Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sox at home A-OK with virtual bartender

It would seem that ticket prices for the red sox are out of our league, and therefore we will be watching the world series at home (or in a crowded, sox-loving tavern - probably a little of both). It turns out that won't be so bad, especially since we've set up an official booze cart, with only the finest booze.

Of course, no home bar would be complete without a virtual bartender. He's a great listener, he never tells you that you've had too much, and the best part - at least with ours - is that he encourages me to sleep with his sister.

Thanks C.T. Wood, I think I
will have another....


BloodKillerDeathMan said...

ps. This blog is *NOT* about baseball

yesiamahooker said...

i am so honored...sniff,sniff...i told myself i wouldn't cry.

but all patron's of l&j's mojo tavern should remember that is one judgie bartender.

A Special Friend said...

you know what's confusing? Sometimes it takes awhile to figure out which of you is posting...that whole "sleep with his sister" thing, threw me for a loop one minute!

Anonymous said...

a special friend,

If you read the bottom of the post you have:

A) bloodkillerdeathman

B) bosox siobhan

Hope that helps!


Vespa Jay said...

Love the pic of CT on the bar. Fabu.