Sunday, October 5, 2008

Debunking the five myths about John McCain

I really heartily encourage you to watch this video debunking, with facts, the five main myths about John McCain.
The myths, as we've all heard ad nauseum, are:
5. He is a Washington outsider
4. He was a "Top Gun" pilot
3. He was the central hero in his POW camp
2. He is a straight-talking reformer
2. He is always puts "Country First"

If you want even more detail, read this month's Rolling Stone cover article, "Make Believe Maverick."
I'm glad to see Rolling Stone getting back into the throes of political reporting. This article is no Hunter S. Thompson masterpiece, but it is a good, solid piece of investigative reporting that takes a little of that faux shine off the concocted biography of John McCain.