Who knew that the first thing we'd really go after was gardening?
What with all our space in the back yard, we decided to put it to use for veggies, herbs and flowers.
I concentrate mostly on the edibles (being the practical one of the couple) and Jim likes the more aesthetic side of gardening.
I'm just about bursting with pride over our tomatoes. Since I took this picture yesterday, one of the little gems is turning red. Yum!
But all is not perfect as we tend our own garden.
Some pesky critter keeps pilfering tomatoes, taking a bite and then throwing the uneaten part on the ground.
It's starting to make me mad and I just bought some Critter Ridder to, well, rid us of this vexation.

The pepper plant is a nice surprise. We already got one pepper from it that we used for guacamole last week. They're a little spicier than regular green bell peppers. Maybe that's why the mystery critter thief leaves them alone.

We got these flowers for a hanging basket but ended up planting them and they're holding up pretty well to all the incredibly hot (for Massachusetts) weather we've been having.

Here is Jim's flower. I'm not sure what kind of flower it is, but all the rain has brought it back to life.